Unlocking Potential...Together
Home of Maple Dale School,
A 2020 National Blue Ribbon
Schools Award Winner
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The Maple Dale-Indian Hill School District proudly serves the communities of Bayside, Fox Point, Glendale, and River Hills. Founded in 1871, the district has a rich history of providing excellence in education for students in four-year-old kindergarten (4K) through eighth grade. Indian Hill School serves students in grades 4K through third grade. Maple Dale Schools serves students in grades four through eight. The district serves about 400-450 students annually.
Unlocking Potential
Growing Intellect
Building Confidence
Strengthening Character
As a 4K-8 school district, we have a family-like feeling that isn’t often replicated in larger school systems. We work closely with our partner districts, which include Fox Point-Bayside and Glendale-River Hills (4K-8 school districts), as well as the Nicolet Union High School District (grades 9-12). While each district is separate, we have shared or consolidated services across districts to maximize our collective efforts and savings to serve our communities. For example, we share transportation and lunch services as well as nursing and buildings & grounds. We work across districts for curriculum alignment as well as professional development opportunities and continuously seek ways we can work together.

WANT TO LEARN MORE? Schedule a school tour with the principal!
Indian Hill Principal Beth Fairchild 414/351-7380 x1069
Maple Dale Principal Tom Holtgreive 414/351-7380 x1013
While much has changed since the days of the one-room schoolhouse, the recipe for excellence in education remains the same: set high expectations for students, actively partner with families, and attract and retain professional teachers and staff who dedicate themselves to helping each child unlock his or her potential. All students come to school with their own unique talents and gifts. The teachers and staff at the Maple Dale-Indian Hill School District seek to nurture not only these strengths but also their confidence and character.
While many districts provide the basics of fine arts, our schools continue to offer a full spectrum of opportunities for students. In addition to music education in grades 4K-4, we offer band, choir, and orchestra in grades five through eight. Art is taught at all grade levels.
Our instruction is grounded in research-based best practice. In addition to core academic areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, we provide a variety of additional courses for students at various grades:
Spanish instruction begins as early as grade four and continues with daily instruction in grades five through eight. Many of our students arrive at high school with foreign language credits already on their transcripts.
Our middle school has course offerings that include health and wellness, financial literacy, technology, career exploration, and counseling.
While we provide differentiated instruction within the classroom, sometimes our students need additional services for support for their unique learning styles:
Learner Enrichment and Advancement Program (LEAP) seeks to identify students who come to the classroom with strengths that require different levels of service to continue to develop these areas. Often referred to as Gifted and Talented Programming, students and families develop a personalized LEAP Service Plan.
Math acceleration creates an opportunity for students to earn high school credit while in middle school. We have offered both algebra and geometry courses at the middle school level.
Early intervention by specially trained staff is provided in both reading and math for students who are working to reach proficiency with grade-level standards.
Social and emotional learning and character education are incorporated weekly across all grade levels.
Makerspaces are available on each campus and we continue to include STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) opportunities for our students.
The MDIH Parent Teacher Organization and Educational Foundation generously support our district by providing funds and grants for classroom projects, innovation, and unique educational programming.
To learn from others outside of the school, Maple Dale-Indian Hill is a member of the Senior Tax Exchange Program (STEP). The STEP program builds a bridge to the community and invites senior volunteers into the classroom. Eligible volunteers may receive credit that can be applied toward their property taxes. Please contact our school principals to participate in this program.
After the school day or on weekends, community members may want to access the maintained paths behind Indian Hill to enjoy the prairie or wetland spaces that are used to support environmental education at the school. The paths have intermittent exercise stations to incorporate physical activity while enjoying nature. A portable dock at the retention pond lets the students get close to wildlife in their natural habitats.

Our schools continue to be awarded the designation of 'significantly exceeds expectations' on the Wisconsin State Accountability Report Card.
Maple Dale School was named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence for 2020. The recognition is based on a school’s overall academic performance or progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. The coveted National Blue Ribbon Schools award affirms the hard work of educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging and engaging content.